Saturday, January 25, 2020
Analysing The Role Of Women In Social Care Social Work Essay
Analysing The Role Of Women In Social Care Social Work Essay It could be argued, that work within the social care profession is predominantly women-centred due to the fact it is mainly a female profession. However, research shows that this may not be the case. Although the majority of staff is indeed women, men, however, make up the majority of senior management roles (Dominelli, 2004). This inevitability produces a situation whereby, the decisions regarding policy are made mainly by men for women. The focus of this study is to critically examine the fact that although women overwhelmingly undertake the majority of the caring roles within the social care profession, these organisations remain firmly under patriarchal power. This essay will consider the role of women as professionals, carers and managers within social care organisations. It will examine traditional theories of management, the challenges faced by women who become professionals and managers and strategies appropriate for the effective delivery of care. To conclude it will consider whether there is indeed a role for female managers within an environment dominated by men. Social work can be seen as originating from industrialisation in the nineteenth century and the Charity Organisation Societies of Great Britain and America (Payne, 2005). Dominelli (2004) argues these organisations promoted friendly visiting and prevented disorganised charitable giving. This organised way of working was the first step to establishing social work as a discrete area of activity and as a profession (Adams, 2003). Professional relationships inside hospitals reflected the Victorian patriarchal family ideal, where female nurses were perceived as mothers and carers and male doctors as fathers (Deacon, 2002). These stereotyped ideas eventually characterised the power relations within other bureaucratic structures (Payne, 2000). Professionalism was viewed as a practice based on a long training period, a degree of autonomy, with membership to a group. This particular degree of social distance characterised professions as enjoying high status and autonomy (Payne, 2005). Nurses and social workers were consigned to the category of semi-professional, on account of their perceived limitations of their training, knowledge base and autonomy (Nazarko, 2004). The claim that nursing and social work lacked the basis of technical or abstract knowledge, that domestic skills and interpersonal skills were more suited, could be argued, reinforced the discourses of semi-professionalism (Banks, 2001). In addition, work based in state welfare bureaucratises, such as those of social work and nursing, did no commenstrate with the traditional idea of professionalism (Payne, 2005). Thompson (2002) supports this argument stating social workers and remedial therapy occupations were often viewed as semi-professionals as they did not fulfil all the attributes within the trait approach (Thompson, 2002). Sharkey (2000) takes this further, critical of implications of the associations of women with the caring role, stating that it represents a social construction and is division of power exerted over women by men. In the same way sexism is constructed, it must be viewed that other marginalised groups, such as black, disabled groups are subject to the same issues of power imbalance (Dominelli, 2004). To counter this imbalance and provide professionalism with a career structure and job security, most professionals in health and social care work in large formal organisation (Moonie, 2004). Traditional concepts of professionalism has changed as professionals are employed in either a clinical or an expert role to perform certain, clearly defined, tasks or be involved in service management (Bradshaw, 2004) Miller (2004) argues that professionals attempt to seek to reclaim professionalism by seeking power over territory by defining an area of expertise which is theirs alone. Thompson (2002) believes by the seeking of power through a claim of expertise, may actually disadvantage the very people whom professionals aim to help. In attempt to counter imbalance of power, professionals possess specific codes of conduct and ethics (Banks, 2001). Scott (2001) argues this is necessary, that professionalism implies not just expertise, but moral responsibility. For the social worker, their moral philosophy is embedded within a specific professional Code of Practice (Adams, 2003). Rather than self regulating groups with claims of moral conduct, it may be that professionals are operating obstructive practices (Banks, 2001). With the emergence of consumerism and the subsequent contract culture, there has been an increase in the administrative approach and the growth of procedures and one could argue, will undermine their pledge for moral responsibility (Adams, 2002). Dominelli (2002) suggests social workers are increasingly having to meet the demands of government performance strategies, the cloak of specialist knowledge could be interpreted merely as a disguise to win resource battles, or to exercise group power politics (Adams et al, 2009). It could be argued that this is inevitably a result of a globalising world economy, a New Right philosophy of value for money and a demand that people look after themselves (Means et al, 2003). Furthermore, within the current political climate, professionals have to be committed to providing seamless, client led services, with a greater demand for accountability for the public resources expended in service provision (Brechin et al, 2000). According to Butcher (2006) many professionals may find problems arise within the agency context. They may find there is dichotomy of interest with their role as a professional and the role and responsibility within the organisation (Butcher, 2006). In the first instance, the interest of their client may be paramount, however, acting as gatekeepers they manage the planning and distribution of services (Bauld et al, 20004). The NHS and Community Care Act 1990 implies professionals share power, however, acting as gatekeeper may only mean power and control will still remain with the state (Sharkey, 2000). To counter oppressive practices alongside organisational constraints, professionals can work in a number of anti-oppressive ways (Tibbs, 2001). Social workers can look at particular ways of thinking that will counter the oppressive elements of a professional status. For example, social workers working from an anti-sexist or anti-racist way. Professionals can utilise legislation and agency policy and use them as tools to effectively bring about change and combat oppression (Killick, 2001). . The government policy of caring in the community could be said to further reinforce oppression, whereby, informal care is reliant on the goodwill of women to undertake the free caring role of a relative or to undertake low paid work within social care (Bradshaw, 2004). By contrast, following the natural assumption that men should be in paid work, if men do undertake the caring of a relative or friend, they often considered incapable of undertaking domestic work so are usually offered more help and support than a woman in a similar situation (Scott, 2001). To counter this imbalance and provide professionalism with a career structure and job security, most professionals in health and social services work in large formal organisation (Alcock, 2000) The majority of roles advertised by social services usually refer to caring such as social care, community care and residential care. However, such language could be said to be a concept associated with women and adapted from natural role they adopt during childbirth and afterwards (Cree, 2003). Women are brought up to believe that caring for others is a fundamental part of their existence (Powell Hewitt, 2002). This argument suggests that there are fundamental differences between men and women. Women are said to be emotional and caring so are more associated with the humanistic types of work such as undertaking the physical care of a person (Sharkey, 2000). Whereas, men are considered to be less emotional, hold authority and power, whereby management is seen as a natural course within their career (Jones, 2003). It has been further suggested that assumptions of being a successful manger, or similar status jobs, is based largely on male behaviour (Malin, 2000). However, a study of research undertaken on leadership styles by Malin (2000) found that women were similar to men in terms of leadership styles and therefore just as suitable to be managers. Any differences found were said to be qualities such as feelings and emotions, that organisations may need more of this in the future (Means et al, 2003). However, despite there being similarities in leadership style, for women who seek a management post, their feelings and emotions represent a block. Women are expected to undertake the more emotional caring tasks, whereas men are perceived to be more suitable to the macho task of management (Yeates, 2001). Advertisements for management posts reflect this attitude, with a notable absence of references to caring. Designed to reflect the status of the post, usually include language such as target. analytical, objectivity, determination, placing importance on salary, related packages, expectations to work outside normal hours and high status (Zinn, 2008). It could be argued, management positions that are advertised using language that is bureaucratic and masculine in their approach are designed specifically to attract able bodied white men (Jones-Devitt Smith, 2007). It could be argued, the very nature of the job specification only serves to exclude and further marginalise women. This is synonymous with the glass ceiling phenomenon, whereby women face obstacles when moving into management such as dominant male attitudes and culture, discrimination and womens own expectations (Carney, 2006). Subsequently, this presents several fundamental problems for women. The policies and procedures of organisations are being managed by men to benefit men, important decisions are undertaken by men and women suffer discrimination, womens skills and abilities are not being utilised (Clarke, 2004). It is important to understand, however that for many women workers within social care they are already victims of abuse of power, at work and home, as carers of the system and by individuals. For example studies of gender abuse, have found abusers are overwhelmingly men (Moonie, 2004). It could be argued that the abuse of power is part of the fabric of womens lives (Glasby Littlewood 2009). According to Moonie (2004) men are the very group who perpetrate most of the abuse which result in individuals requiring social services intervention, are themselves in positions of power, such as managers, within organisation. For example in 1991 a number of men who held positions of responsibility within care homes were found guilty of physical and sexual abuse of children in their care (Zinn, 2008). It could be argued; therefore it is not possible for a group of people to make sound decisions regarding victims of abuse, if they themselves abuse their power. Therefore, if women are to challenge this abuse of power, they need to be given equal access to management; therefore human resource policies should facilitate this. Women are brought up to believe a fundamental part of their role is to care; they have the advantage of trying to juggle home life with work life (Yeates, 2001). Work/life balance policies, flexible working, part time working and crà ¨che facilities are some responses to enabling women to participate as men do. According to Zin (2008) these responses are a solution invented by men aimed specifically for women under the guise of equal opportunities. This only serves to reinforce male and female stereotypes (Miller, 2004). Furthermore, management posts are not always included in such equal opportunity policies and therefore, likely to exclude a higher proportion of women from management. Although arguably, a change in retention and recruitment policies to enable women to become managers is important to facilitate this, it could be further argued, a change in attitude and culture regarding gender roles is more fundamental (Powell Hewitt, 2002). Women it seems are acceptable management material if they are the same as men and unsuitable if they differ. A workforce study undertaken by the National Institute for Social Work found workplace attitudes to be reflective of society a third of staff surveyed reported incidents of racism from colleagues and managers, with 45% reporting such behaviour from service users and their relatives (Jones-Devitt Smith, 2007). Feminists argue that a focus on structural change and a challenge of dominant male assumptions is the way forward if attitudes are to change (Jones, 2003). Furthermore, it could be argued the structure of social services only serves to reinforce the attitude of women as carers. For example residential workers, home care assistants, care worker, roles usually undertaken by women (Adams et al, 2009). Therefore, a removal from dominant patriarchal attitudes appears to be a long way off. Theories of how organisations structures functions are broadly male dominated and further serve to reinforce the ideology of management (Cochrane, 2001). As a result the structures and processes of social work within social services are also basically masculine. The hierarchical principles and management of social services departments are associated with pyramidal structure of authority and control (Cochrane, 2001). It could be argued, this supports the view that patriarchal values remain embedded within organisations but interestingly, conflict with the caring role of social welfare organisation. An organisation with a flatter structure where there is no hierarchy, but each person takes on a specific role for the benefit of the organisation and the client, is more synonymous with the caring aspect of social work. Also that of a feminist theory, whereby organisations take a collective approach (Scott, 2004). This type of organisational structure can be seen within smaller voluntary organisations (Clarke, 2004). Organisations such as social services are structured within a more bureaucratic, hierarchical style. Clarke (2004) believed that where there were high numbers of employed staff, it was necessary to initiate rules and procedures within a clear line of command. As a result of this masculine model of organisational structure, policies, consciously or subconsciously, reinforce the idea that gender differences are a product of nature rather than social construction (Yeates, 2001). Once a person becomes a manager, their effectiveness is dependent on several factors including style. Yeates (2001) introduced the scientific management approach. It required workers to undertake tasks in a specific way in an attempt to make organisations rational, studying how management methods could effectively control the workers in other words, how to find the most efficient ways of doing a job (Scott, 2001). This appears to fit with bureaucratic mechanisms within a large social welfare organisation. In contrast Deacon (2002) considered the importance people make within organisations and identified a humanistic approach to management. He believed the behaviour of people produced an informal structure which influenced how an organisation functioned, which in turn influenced which management methods should be adopted (Deacon, 2002). Clarke (2004) argues that managers can adopt interpersonal approaches and be open and honest showing their real feelings rather than adopting an authoritarian approach by checking up on staff. This method seems compatible to work within social care, rather than the masculine traits traditionally associated with management styles (Bauld et al, 2000). It could be argued, however that management is a balance of the two, a combination of problem solving, such as case management, organising the department, resources etc, and affective interpersonal skills. Within male dominated environments, this balance can be difficult to achieve (Powell Hewitt, 2002). For women managers, to show a caring side could be perceived as weak. If a woman adopts a male approach she is considered aggressive. She is seen as different and not compatible with what is the perceived norm (Brechin et al, 2000). In some cases, adopting the male style of management and fitting the culture of masculinism can produce a negative and unproductive style of management for example women mangers not approving of mothers who have children pursuing a career (Bradshaw, 2004). For some this may not pose a problem, having wanted and being able to gain a senior management position. For others, they have felt in order to survive it has been necessary to adopt the male style of management but do not to notice it any more.(Dominelli, 2004) This means women are pressured to join prevailing norms, if they want to avoid being different (Deacon, 2002). Statutory provision within social care could be said to support this argument. child protection work is considered a controlling aspect of social work, which fits with the controlling aspects of management (Payne, 2005). Interestingly enough, this is synonymous with the community care framework and the concepts of care mangers. Tibbs (2001) argues this is another strand in the masculinsation of management within social services. However, the values that are fundamental to the caring role for the client within social services is not necessarily transferred into the values of management of care as management becomes increasingly bureaucratic and procedural (Nazarko, 2004). Furthermore, tasks that consider the care of the customers and staff are essential within an environment that requires a supporting management team (Jones-Devitt Smith, 2007). Womens contribution should be widely recognised if such a service is implemented. Work undertaken by Bradshaw (2004) found organisations that are managed by people who believe in the potential of workers and customers, produces excellent organisations. This language appears to be intrinsic within the modern social services department, whereby best value, quality protect and performance indicators underpins governments strategy for improving services and working environments (Glasby Littlechild, 2009). This philosophy on caring is further emphasised by awarding star ratings for local authorities for providing high quality services. Within this philosophy of caring environment, it is likely that more women would be attracted to management posts and take part in the organisations quest for excellence (Killick Allan, 2001). Moonie (2004) indicates women managers have much to offer the organisation since the emergence of customer care and total quality management. Although Miller (2004) suggests this simply is a political move, under the guise of community care legislation, a way of meeting resource demands and residualing services. As a result of the market of care, consumerism and competition, there is pressure for local authorities to become more business like (Deacon, 2002). Senior managers are now recruited from the commercial arena where it appears, they know nothing about social care. With the emergence of business management posts and the values and models that underpin those of a commercial organisation, such as marketing strategies and performance indicators, bureaucratic procedures and control increases (Jones, 2003). Nevertheless in an organisations quest for excellence women managers could prove invaluable. Tibbs (2001) argues that women managers will have a tendency to put issues of staff care, such as support and supervision above administration. Leadership or management within a group is central to the function of facilitating organisation or group effectiveness and performance (Payne, 2000). Therefore a manager who is humanistic in their approach, it seems is able to meet current government policy with regards to welfare provision (Miller, 2004). Looking for the impact of effective leadership in more detail it is necessary to consider the concept of leadership and also the role of the manager in supervision (Carney, 2006). Leadership can be performed at an informal level within the team or at an organisational level (Butcher, 2006). Research into leadership by Carney (2006) established that satisfaction and group effectiveness can be affected by the type of leadership within the group (Carney, 2006). Although, Cochrane (2006) proposes that leadership roles vary according to the managed level within the organisation. According to Cree (2003) the most important element is influence and that leadership suggests a process of group support, goal achievement and group contentment. To understand leadership, it is necessary to understand the distinctions between managed and leadership, Deacon (2002) argues to be an effective manager it is necessary to exercise the role of leadership. Considering this, leadership is not necessarily just a function of a formal manager but acts of leadership by a person who has specific leadership qualities (Bradshaw, 2004). For example a manager is said to have continually co-ordinate and balance in order to compromise conflicting values (Powell Hewitt, 2002). Whereas leaders, may work in but can be said not to belong to an organisation. They are able to consider what events and actions mean and express empathy with other people. (Jones-Devitt Smith, 2007). It could be argued womens attributes are compatible with the philosophy of empathy and consideration for others (Glasby Littlechild, 2009). Cree (2003) suggests that leadership styles are more effective and more consistent with the type of humanistic management that social w ork requires. Supervision is an also an arena where women, it could be said function better than men (Moonie, 2004). Women maybe more able to empathise and discuss an individuals issues and concerns. However it could be argued this may be too simplistic. According to Miller (2004) not all women may be able to undertake effective supervision, whereas there may be male managers that are equally as capable of adopting a humanistic style of supervision. Payne (2000) suggests that regardless of what attributes that can be brought to supervision there are areas of supervision which may hinder team work and professional development. Supervision may be unavailable due to time restrictions, the abuse of power such as withholding information or asserting negative control, a lack of feeling supported particularly as managers are not in touch with service users lives (Tibbs, 2001). Certain leadership styles may determine how effective supervision is for team members and supports Adams (2003) view of discrepancies in supervision. Social services departments have a history of retention and recruitment and this reflects in inconsistent management (Thompson, 2002). For example, regardless of gender differences, some managers work in a democratic way, consistent with the humanistic approach (Sharkey, 2000). However others may adopt a more authoritative supervision process. This can have the effect of controlling or obstructing team members as a result of asserting authority or power over decision making (Carney, 2006). Subsequently, this can leave managers with high levels of dissonance within the team, which in turn, affects the effectiveness of the team (Jones-Devitt Smith, 2007). Butcher (2006) indicates the supervision process can become a management tool of accountability but suggests it can be also be used as a tool to improve personal and professional development and practice. If supervision is to encourage personal satisfaction and encourage group cohesiveness and effectiveness, it should go below the surface in the analysis of problems and situation (Adams et al, 2009). It could be argued a feeling of being listened to and heard can only serve to increase team moral and performance. In turn effective supervision can be used as a tool for negotiation, problem-solving and more importantly learning (Adams et al, 2009). Women managers could use supervision to make their own individual mark on the workforce without the need of masculine formal systems and practices (Butcher, 2006). By paying attention to things that matter to people which are often neglected such as enquiring about the progress of a problem or a staff member needs to leave work on time to meet childcare commitments (Bradshaw, 2004). As mentioned, this method of working can develop team moral and performance, such as effective team and collaborative working. Facilitating teams to work collectively together to identify areas of organisational improvements and service delivery, it could be argued is considered a necessary requirement of professional workers within social services (Brechin et al, 2000). The caring strand of management means women are at an advantage when it comes to utilising these skills in management, in particular women are brought up to think about other peoples needs to empathise and listen (Zinn, 2008). Indeed it is not to be said that the caring tasks should be done by women alone only to validate the skills women bring to the role of manager, through their perceived roles as carers (Scott, 2001). In terms of operational planning, women managers are able to influence the situation and bring along new understanding of management for both men and women, rather than the traditional methods (Bauld et al, 2000). Instead of an aggressive style, an assertive style will allow individuals to stand up for themselves. People can manage in a supportive way in order to empower and obtain consensus rather than conflict (Thompson, 2002). Patriarchal norms and mens way of behaving does not have to be considered the norm. It could be said, women should be taken seriously without having to act like men (Alcock, 2000). Both men and women can validate the caring side of managing within social services, recognising both work and personal commitments. This is increasingly evident for social workers within social services; managers appear to be more responsive to the holistic needs of staff (Banks, 2001). Moonie (2004) suggests it is difficult to determine whether there has been a genuine commitment of the organisation towards recognising workers needs or the fact that the majority of middle managers consist of mainly women who are generally more sympathetic in their approach. Payne, (2000) outlines it could also be political, due to the nature of the work within statutory social services, has inevitably led to recruitment and retention crisis, whereby this needs to be effectively managed if standards are to be maintained. Power can be used in an ethical and caring way to empower both clients and workers. Paying more attention to the abuse of power, workers must limit their use of controlling power (Glasby Littlechild, 2009). Women can learn to understand power and be less afraid and use it more directly. Managers can use power in positive ways, such as implementing equal opportunity policies (Carney, 2006). Caring itself should be challenged as a concept. No longer synonymous with womens work, it should be constructed as a role that all people can undertake, a skill to be learnt by both men and women (DoH, 1999). Women can stop automatically undertaking the caring jobs. This in turn will serve to change the attitudes and perceptions society has of specific gender roles. Finally government legislation should be strengthened and include enhanced equal opportunity laws and substantial improvements to maternity benefit and leave. Carney (2006) argues that underpinning all policy are principles that men should also be responsible for childcare and that childcare should be publicly funded and community based and most importantly there should be a balance between family life and paid work and leisure activities. Social work is a changing profession dominated by men, who make policies for an essentially controlling activity (Dominelli, 2004). However social services have a culture of caring whereby the majority, which are women, are committed to this ethos. It could be argued that women endeavour to support this caring ethic and are challenging a patriarchal structure by using good human relationship skills and attention to quality of service.
Friday, January 17, 2020
A Clean Well Lighted Place Analysis Essay
A Clean Well Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway is a cryptic short story about a deaf man in a bar late at night with the waiter getting frustrated with him because he wishes to go home. The dialogue slowly turns to two waiters who inject a symbolic exchange. This entire piece of full of symbology and is in my opinion a story up the the interpretation of each individual reader. ââ¬Å"In the daytime the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference. In this sequence we see the first comparison made between light and darkness, and we see the daytime being described as dusty and the in the night the dew eliminated the dust. This state of moistness or lubrication perhaps represents a state of mental lubrication, free from the dullness of the day. Itââ¬â¢s also interesting that a deaf man would be able to tell the difference between the sounds of the day and sounds of the night. In my opinion this means that at night when itââ¬â¢s expected to be desolate the man feels more at home than he does in the daytime when there is expected to be commotion. ââ¬Å"Last week he tried to commit suicide,â⬠one waiter said. ââ¬Å"Why? â⬠ââ¬Å"He was in despair. â⬠ââ¬Å"What about? â⬠ââ¬Å"Nothing. â⬠ââ¬Å"How do you know it was nothing? â⬠ââ¬Å"He has plenty of money. ââ¬Å"â⬠This is a humorous dialogue about the condition of money vs happiness. The man is described as being in despair, but yet they know now what he has to be despaired about if he has means to provide him happiness. However they do not see the true ironic sadness of the situation. A old man is sitting alone in a cafe at night downing shots of brandy. It is obvious to the reader that the old man does not have a very pleasant life. They sat together at a table that was close against the wall near the door of the cafe and looked at the terrace where the tables were all empty except where the old man sat in the shadow of the leaves of the tree that moved slightly in the wind. A girl and a soldier went by in the street. The street light shone on the brass number on his collar. The girl wore no head covering and hurried beside him. â⬠This is the second time the ââ¬Å"shadow of the leaves of the treeâ⬠is mentioned, this is demonstrative by the author that this is important and essential symbology to understand. Obviously the eaves can produce no real shadow since itââ¬â¢s night, however since it is under an electric light the leaves produce a false shadow from a false light. The legal definition of false light is a ââ¬Å"portrayal that is highly offense to a reasonable personâ⬠but not so much so that itââ¬â¢s defamation. This allows the old man sitting there to perhaps portray himself as offensive to the waiter, as we will see in a later exchange, but not so much so that he defames himself. The man is also able to view from the terrace the soldier and the women passing by. This might be the man looking down and reminiscing on memories of old. Another exchange that struck me was between the two waits discussing the events of the attempted suicide of the man. ââ¬Å"â⬠Heââ¬â¢s drunk now,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"Heââ¬â¢s drunk every night. â⬠ââ¬Å"What did he want to kill himself for? â⬠ââ¬Å"How should I know. â⬠ââ¬Å"How did he do it? â⬠ââ¬Å"He hung himself with a rope. â⬠ââ¬Å"Who cut him down? â⬠ââ¬Å"His niece. â⬠ââ¬Å"Why did they do it? â⬠ââ¬Å"Fear for his soul. â⬠ââ¬Å"How much money has he got? â⬠ââ¬Å"Heââ¬â¢s got plenty. â⬠This exchange shows the audience the severity of this mans drinking, and drinking almost goes without symbology itself as an expression of relieving anything from stress, to recreation, to wallowing in pity. They again fail to recognize the plight and sorrow this man has, they suffer from a delusion that this manââ¬â¢s great wealth brings him joy and happiness, however again we can tell that it doesnââ¬â¢t. The waiterââ¬â¢s also state that the manââ¬â¢s niece who came and saved him did so out of fear for his soul, not fear for his life, but fear for his soul. To me this is indicative that this manââ¬â¢s life is in such a sorrowful that itââ¬â¢s not worth saving, but his soul is all that remains of him, and the only thing that is worth saving of him. Again we see in the continued dialogue between the two waiters, and we see the more they speak the more they reveal about this man. They also continue to speak about him in a false light, that is being offensive without defamation. ââ¬Å"â⬠He stays up because he likes it. â⬠ââ¬Å"Heââ¬â¢s lonely. Iââ¬â¢m not lonely. I have a wife waiting in bed for me. â⬠ââ¬Å"He had a wife once too. â⬠ââ¬Å"A wife would be no good to him now. â⬠ââ¬Å"You canââ¬â¢t tell. He might be better with a wife. â⬠ââ¬Å"His niece looks after him. You said she cut him down. â⬠ââ¬Å"I know. â⬠ââ¬Å"I wouldnââ¬â¢t want to be that old. An old man is a nasty thing. â⬠ââ¬Å"Not always. This old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk. Look at him. â⬠ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t want to look at him. I wish he would go home. He has no regard for those who must work. â⬠The man stays up late because he is lonely, and had a wife, but the other waiter speaks of him in a false light because he says ââ¬Å"A wife would be no good to him nowâ⬠which would be in my opinion considered offensive. They also speak ill of his age, however the other waiter defends him by saying he is clean and doesnââ¬â¢t spill, even while drunk. Being clean represents the man exercising a lack of vulgarity, and he is civilized and dignified by not spilling, even in a compromised state of being intoxicated. They also continue to be offensive to him by one of the waiters stating ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t want to look at him. I wish he would go home. He has no regard for those who must workâ⬠The exchange between the two waiters further reveal the reason and life behind the lonely man in the cafe. ââ¬Å"â⬠Why didnââ¬â¢t you let him stay and drink? â⬠the unhurried waiter asked. They were putting up the shutters. ââ¬Å"It is not half-past two. ââ¬Å"â⬠I want to go home to bed. â⬠ââ¬Å"What is an hour? â⬠ââ¬Å"More to me than to him. â⬠ââ¬Å"An hour is the same. ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"You talk like an old man yourself. He can buy a bottle and drink at home. â⬠ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s not the same. ââ¬Å"No, it is not,â⬠agreed the waiter with a wife. He did not wish to be unjust. He was only in a hurry. ââ¬Å"And you? You have no fear of going home before your usual hour? â⬠ââ¬Å"Are you trying to insult me? â⬠ââ¬Å"No, hombre, only to make a joke. â⬠ââ¬Å"No,â⬠the waiter who was in a hurry said, rising from pulling down the metal shutters. ââ¬Å"I have confidence. I am all confidence. â⬠ââ¬Å"You have youth, confidence, and a job,â⬠the older waiter said. ââ¬Å"You have everything. â⬠ââ¬Å"And what do you lack? â⬠ââ¬Å"Everything but work. â⬠ââ¬Å"You have everything I have. â⬠ââ¬Å"No. I have never had confidence and I am not young. â⬠ââ¬Å"Come on. Stop talking nonsense and lock up. â⬠ââ¬Å"I am of those who like to stay late at the cafe,â⬠the older waiter said. ââ¬Å"With all those who do not want to go to bed. With all those who need a light for the night. â⬠ââ¬Å"I want to go home and into bed. â⬠The hurried waiter speaks that he wishes to leave so he can get some sleep, and they reveal that the extra hour saved by the waiter meant more to the man than it did to the waiter. The two waiterââ¬â¢s eventually get into the topic of having youth and confidence, where one states that he has great confidence and youth and the other says he has never had confidence and is not young. This statement reveals more about the nature of the old man, showing that the old man lacked youth and confidence that he used to have, and drinks to regain whatââ¬â¢s left of his dignity and pride, as demonstrated earlier. The older waiter also states that he doesnââ¬â¢t desire to leave earlier, as to provide a sebastion of hope and light for those who need it, like the deaf man. The waiter thinking to himself while sitting at the bar shows us the real reason why the deaf man tries to commit suicide, and the real reason why a clean and well-lighted place is needed in the middle of the night. Turning off the electric light he continued the conversation with himself. It was the light of course but it is necessary that the place be clean and pleasant. You do not want music. Certainly you do not want music. Nor can you stand before a bar with dignity although that is all that is provided for these hours. What did he fear? It was not a fear or dread. It was a nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was a nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y pues nada y nada y pues nada. We see here now that the man wanted to end his life because it was nothing and he was nothing, and that a empty hollowness that he had. He did not despair and was not in grief, but simply felt an emptiness and only a clean well-lit place such as this cafe provided. In closing we find the older waiter conversing with himself ââ¬Å"He disliked bars and bodegas. A clean, well-lighted cafe was a very different thing. Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room. He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, itââ¬â¢s probably only insomnia. Many must have it. â⬠We find here that this older waiter does to some extent feel the same emptiness as the old man does. He find the daylight as a time to sleep, opposite of normal. He finds the daytime as a lack of activity, and the night as a time for activity. The waiter is in some ways institutionalized and imprisoned to the service of those who feel empty. After all of this we find the significance of all of this imagery and symbolism we see the story of a man whose life has essentially finished itââ¬â¢s course, only that his heart remains beating. We see a man who is often looked down upon because of the extent of his drinking and is seen in a ââ¬Å"false lightâ⬠. We find a man who does not drink to forget or drink to remember or drink because he is in sorrow or grief, but he drinks because of nothing. He drinks because he feels nothing and experiences nothing. We find that his wife and days of youth and confidence have left him and not he has absolutely nothing. This man and many others like this find cafeââ¬â¢s such as this one that are clean and well-lit to be bastions and beacons of hope to those who have this feeling of nothingness.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Multifaceted State Of South Africa Underwent Vast...
The multifaceted state of South Africa underwent vast reconstruction after the end of the apartheid in 1994 and experienced transformative changes in the racial, economic and societal relations of the region. Aside from the divisions and devastations the country faced as a result of apartheid the country also opened its economy to international business, deregulating major sectors of its economy and engaging in trade liberalization policies in an attempt to spur economic growth and international trade (Schreiner, Mohapi Koppen, 2004). The positive economic development that was expected as a result of these policies was not felt and many people lost their main source of employment and survival. This affected South African womanâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Literature in this field emphasizes the idea that although these programs directly contribute to the income and thus empowerment of women they are not a cure-all solution to womenââ¬â¢s poverty and women face major developmenta l and societal challenges, particularly in South Africa given the events of the Apartheid. Literature within this field highlighted that improving gender equity and improving the economic power of women would enable long-term development and success for women (Chant, 2014). 1st Body Paragraphâ⬠¨ The multifaceted role of women in South Africa is described as a ââ¬Å"dual burden of productive and reproductive laborâ⬠or women engage in a ââ¬Ëtriple burdenââ¬â¢ of activity in which women as the head of the household are the single earner, the earner being female and having to cope with labor market disadvantages as well as the ââ¬Å"time constraints due to commitments of managing the household and earning incomeâ⬠(Chant, 2014; Rogan, 2012, p. 493). The gendered role of the responsibility of women within the household leads to a lack of support from male counterparts and a ââ¬Å"disparity in the capacity to negotiate obligations and entitlementsâ⬠of work within the household (Chant, 2014, p. 302). In the face of extreme poverty women have the responsibility to careShow MoreRelatedExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words à |à 658 Pagesalso issues of ownership and organisation. In the end, the fundamental question is: what future for the Minist ry? ââ" ââ" ââ" In 1991, 28-year-old James Palumbo invested à £225,000 (ââ°Ëa340,000) of his own capital into a new dance club located in an old South London bus depot. As an old Etonian (the UKââ¬â¢s most elitist private school), a graduate of Oxford University and a former merchant banker, Palumbo was an unlikely entrant into a dance culture that was still raw and far from respectable. He actuallyRead MoreHemp Cultivation in China42289 Words à |à 170 Pagespleased to contribute technical advice to the Colorado Industrial Hemp Act strategists on their efforts for 1996. ---In 1995, we supplied six varieties of seed, in small amounts, to IHA members for pilot research projects in Australia, Finland, and South Africa. We are expanding this archive for the 1996 season and hope to supply research quantities of seed for the majority of commercially available hemp varieties from France, Hungary, Poland and Romania. The IHA now has access to a refrigerated room
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Types of Students in a Typical Middle School Classroom
Middle school students, like adults, come from different places intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Teachers must learn how to work with a wide range of personalities that present themselves to understand what each student needs. To prepare to teach middle school, familiarize yourself with these common personality traits. Remember that every student is characterized by a combination of attributes even when there is one that defines them more than the rest. Look at the whole child and avoid generalizing based on a single trait. Cruel Every school has bullies. They tend to target those that cannot or will not defend themselves. There are always underlying causes of cruel behavior that motivate students to act outââ¬âthese can include anything from extreme insecurity to trouble at home. A teacher should never dismiss a student that is mean to others because they often need just as much help as their victims, sometimes more. Bullying can be physical or emotional, so be on the lookout for both. Be diligent about spotting bullying as soon as it happens so that you can quickly put an end to it. Teach your class to stand up for each other to prevent bullying from getting out of hand when you dont notice it. Once you have identified cruel tendencies in a student, begin trying to find out what is hurting them. Leader Everyone looks up to these students. Natural leaders are typically enthusiastic, well-liked, and well-rounded individuals that have tremendous impacts on their classmates. They are respectful and respected. They might not notice other students looking to them as examples because they dont seek out attention. Leaders still need to be mentored and nurtured but probably dont need the same type of guidance from you as their classmates. Show these upstanding students their potential and help them make positive differences in and out of your classroom. Remember that even wise and influential students need teachers to help them grow. Energetic Some students have energy to spare. This can make it difficult for them to concentrate and even cause them to misbehave without meaning to. The activity of energetic students, from constant bouncing to persistent distraction and blurting, can overwhelm any classroom. Work with them to develop strategies for successââ¬âthey might need accommodations to help them focus and get their work done. Sometimes these students have undiagnosed behavioral disorders such as ADHD that should be addressed by a professional. Overly Silly Every class has students who take it upon themselves to keep everyone entertainedââ¬âthe class clowns. They tend to love attention and dont mind if it is positive or negative as long as they get a response. Overly silly students often get in trouble when they let their desire to stand out get the best of them and they stop following rules in order to amuse. Rather than immediately referring these students to administration for disciplinary action, try reasoning with them. Find out what you can do to help them set a good example instead of always trying to make others laugh. Motivated Motivated students are naturally hard workers. They hold themselves to high standards and go above and beyond to achieve their goals. Many teachers enjoy having ambitious students because they dont need to be convinced to do their best but be careful not to dismiss their needs. Students with large appetites for success tend to have low tolerances for failure and might be unfair to themselves when they dont perform as well as they would like to. Encourage them to find a healthy balance between pushing themselves and making mistakes. Gifted and Talented Students with above-average intelligence bring an interesting dynamic to the class. They tend to move more quickly through material and exhibit skills beyond their age, which you can draw on occasionally to enrich your instruction. However, there are two ways that other students generally respond to those gifted and talented and neither is favorable: They might shun them because they are different or quirky or rely on them for academic help. Both of these scenarios can be detrimental to the well-being of an exceptionally bright student, so watch for signs of them being mistreated or taken advantage of. Organized These students are always prepared for class. Remembering to complete homework is not an issue and they probably dont need your help keeping track of their materials either. These students prefer order and predictability and might have trouble dealing with anything that contradicts this. Put their skills to use with class jobs and encourage them to set examples for others on how to stay organized. If they find functioning in disorder and chaos difficult, teach them strategies for coping and adapting. Quiet and Subdued Some students are introverted, shy, and withdrawn. They more than likely have a few close friends and interact very little with the rest of the class. They wont always participate in class because sharing their ideas in discussions and working with others is well outside of their comfort zone. Find a way to connect with these students so that you can accurately assess what they are able to do, what they know, and what they need. Zero in on the traits that make them good students and do not punish them for being quiet (this will probably make them even less likely to communicate). Disengaged or Unmotivated Every class will have students that frequently seem disconnected or even appear to be lazy. Sometimes these unobservant and non-participatory students have trouble focusing their mental capital on academics and other times they just check out when they dont understand. These students dont usually call much attention to themselves and will fly under your radar if youre not careful. Find out what is keeping them from succeeding: Is it a social problem? Academic obstacle? Something else? Students like these need you to tend to their hierarchy or needs before they can apply themselves in school because there might be much more pressing issues on their minds than schoolwork. Dramatic Some students create drama just to be the center of attention. They might gossip or instigate to get other students to notice them and dont always have great reputations. Dont let these students manipulate othersââ¬âthey are often adept at taking advantage of different traits in people to get results. Similarly to bullies, these students might just be using drama to cover up their problems. Dramatic students might desperately need your help and not know how to express this. Social There are always going to be a few students that seem to get along with everybody. They love to talk and thrive in social situations. Social students bring life to discussions and unique harmony to the classââ¬âuse their skills before their socializing gets out of hand. They have the ability to reach out to subdued students, quell drama, and help leaders positively impact the class. Teachers sometimes view these students as nuisances but they can be really valuable additions to a group. Opinionated Some students just want others to know what they think. Though their intentions might not be to upset you or others, opinionated students have a tendency to point out flaws and question everything, sometimes derailing your teaching. They are often quick-witted and more aware than their peers, making them feel as if their classmates must want to hear what they have to say (and often they do). Dont let these students get under your skin when they talk back. Instead, guide them to become leaders. Disorganized Some students seem unable to stay organized. They forget to turn in homework, dont keep their backpacks or lockers organized, and dont possess strong time-management skills. Many teachers scold disorganized students for making mistakes when really they should be equipping them with tools and strategies for effective organization. Teach disorganized students organization tips just like you would teach anything else before their inability to be neat keeps them from learning.
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